In this episode, Andre talks about things we can do when we feel uncertain because of uncertain times, and how to be certain and stay strong in a time of global weakness. He shares insights on why things are happening now and how it is tied up to the plan against the evil agenda.

Listen in now and learn how to keep your peace, and take yourself to higher levels of manifestations despite the chaos that’s happening around us.



“Once you understand what's really happening, then you can understand the fight, the battle, and this is a spiritual battle.” 

“The more you know, I think, the more certain you are because you know there's a plan.” 

“If we know that we are responsible for this vessel and I allow visual things to come in that will affect my vessel, my being in a negative way, that's my choice. If I allow only positive things, [and] that's also my choice.” 

“Positive energy gives us more energy, itself creating, it's never-ending, and it's constantly evolving.”

“Positive energy pays, negative energy costs.” 

“If you learn to start the day on a positive note, on a note that says I'm going in this direction, your life will change.”

“You see it as uncertain because your life is uncertain. Once you start making [you] a priority and start loving yourself, and you start giving yourself a schedule… man, I can just tell you how things changed so fast.”

“What we put out, we get back.”

“When we align the conscious mind with the subconscious mind, magic, that's when manifestation happens.”

“You get from life what you are.”



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Show Notes:

(00:00) Podcast Intro

(00:43) Greetings and episode introduction

(04:58) Understanding what’s really happening in the world of fuckery and uncertainty

(12:58) The more you know, the more certain you are that there’s a plan

(17:13) Understanding the 2020 election and the things that are connected with it

(24:07) How to be certain and strong amidst the uncertainty 

(34:06) Perspective is the key

(41:14) How far back does the agenda go?

(46:32) You get from life what you are

(50:20) Don’t stop loving you

(52:02) Updates and events announcements

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