On todays episode I talk:
- There Movie Gladiator
- Break down what "Elysium" means.
- Shaun Talks about his desires to plow snow.
- Cows vs. Deer
- Ozarks
- Shaun interviews an area 51 Whistleblower!
- We jump into some Adult field training. "How to handle and deal with being pulled over."
- "Food n Bev" with beer expert and all around great guy, Casey Enman. We break down the following beers:
- IPA / Double IPA / Imperial IPA
- Stouts / Porter
- Sours
- Old Rasputin, Russian Imperial Stout
Then we talk about barreling and aging of beers.
As always, We are brought to you by 3Chi!
Today's episode is brought to you by Hellofresh. Head to and use promo code "GunsBlazin16" for the hook up on 16 free meals!
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