After the attack of the corrupted Stag Spirit the packs have left for the Sept of the Winter Fang to discover what has happened. After 4 days of journeying they come across a survivor and discover that a company by the name of Good House International plans to build something on the corpse of the Caern. What dangers await?

Storyteller: KeeganCora Two-Hearts: SamKyle Guards-the-Low: TylerMark Guides-the-Fallen: AdamRoy Mindscape: GeorgeZeb Speaks-in-Sweet-Whispers: Sean

Dimitri Howls-In-Memory: Thomas

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“Portions of the materials are the copyrights and trademarks of White Wolf Entertainment AB, and are used with permission. All rights reserved. For more information please visit”

Thank you to Riley for providing the character sketches as well as Ariana for the group pic. She can be found here:

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