
 歌曲:Like I Loved You


什么东西极大地改善了你的心理状态?(What massively improved your mental health?)

01 运动 Exercising


运动真是让人又爱又恨。It sucks at how well it works.

然而,心情低落的时候,运动是最不想做的事(when you are depressed, exercising is the last thing you feel like doing.)

但又是真有效果。所以说it sucks at how well it works.

坚持锻炼带来的精神状态改善是其他任何方法都比不上的。Nothing else has much of a positive effect on your mental health as regular exercise.

02 养宠物 Having pets


Many people think having pets helped their mental health. 因为life can be lonely, 宠物可以给到陪伴。It makes life a little easier. 让孤独的日子能好过一点。


This might be why having pets can improve mental health.

03 走出去 Getting outside


因为外面有大自然。Yes! Nature!

Nature can work wonders for your mental health. 就像梭罗在《瓦尔登湖》所体验的那样,大自然是内心的避难所。

When you realize that so much is alive and around us, it makes you stop and think how small we really are. 天地有大美而不言,身处其中,会时常有这种humbling moments。

前天在一席,翩翩还跟同事开玩笑,说人什么时候会意识到自己有脚?When do people become aware that they have feet?

答案是:脚疼的时候。(When your feet hurt!) 同理,人在痛苦的时候更能意识到“自我”的存在。当人处在大自然中,“自我”会瞬间变渺小,那么人与自我的巨大矛盾也就会平息很多。

04 觉察 Reevaluate what is causing that



Is it a person in your life? Is it a living situation? 是接触的人?还是生活环境?


外媒上的网友建议,首先要远离那种不友好、不公正、人际关系复杂,得不到肯定的工作环境,这种就是有毒的工作环境(a toxic work environment)。

So leave a toxic work environment. 远离有毒的人(Remove toxic people)。


It’s amazing how much your mental health can improve just by removing toxic people from my life. Toxic people bring nothing but negativity to your life.

05 睡足觉 Getting enough sleep


睡觉,是被严重低估的精神改善大法!这位国外网友简直是嘴替,他说:我要是十几岁就知道这事儿就好了 (If only I’d realized this in my teens)。

睡眠太重要了。It has a great impact on your day, productivity and mood. 最终影响的是mental health。 长期睡眠不足一定会让人产生精神危机。所以好好睡足觉。

06 停用社交媒体 Putting a stop to social media use


但话又说回来了,很多东西又绝对会影响睡眠,比如说 spending too much time on screens or social media (玩太久的电子产品和社交媒体)。

这位外国网友说:我停用社交媒体,改成读纸质书,今年1月份以来我已经读完6本书了,这让我感觉自己棒棒哒。(Putting a stop to my social media use and replacing that time with reading books. I have completed 6 books since the beginning of January. It makes me feel really good about myself.)


Selah是:周围环境干净整洁,东西各归各位(keeping everything in its place)。 



你们呢?So what massively improved your mental health, our dear followers?


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