Our guest today is an awesome artistic human – singer / songwriter / poet, Cara Walkam. In addition to being a badass creative artist, Cara is also one of the fiercest humans I know; after a life-changing (read: life-threatening) event, Cara faced an epic re-thinking of her relationship to creativity / making. The insight she shares today is based in a lived understanding of the mess, the mud, and the ways in which we show up, even when there’s no “ideal” or “perfect” way forward. We talk about the balance between creative work and a day job, juggling the practicalities of everyday life, and creating work in a shifting / changing landscape (within and without). Our convo sits deep in the magic of that mess and mud; we talk loads about how we show up to creativity alongside / within this. It’s an honest, present, joyful convo, about the ways we create in this weird and crazy time (and all times). Enjoy! Emily xAbout our guest:Cara Walkam is a singer-songwriter, poet and stroke survivor from Wollongong, Australia.  She invariably writes and sings about her dogs, her complaints about society, and her many and varied neuroses.  Cara is a double Sagittarius with an Aries rising, a philosopher and a frequent cryer.Cara’s WebsiteCara on SpotifyCara on Apple Music

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