Did your eCommerce revenue drop in March? Or maybe February?

When results decline, the common knee-jerk reaction is to assume you’ve stuffed up in some way. That you did something to cause the downturn. 

Or, to blame poor sales on the state of the economy. 

Either way, you’re liable to end up in the same place: not investing time or money in marketing to drive your business forwards.

First of all, just because your sales might decline sometimes, does not mean your business is a failure. 

Nor does it mean that consumer demand for your products has all but dried up and your business is doomed.

However, if you are experiencing a sales slump, not taking any action to rectify that situation WILL lead to that dismal ending! And I don’t want that for you.

So today on the show, I want to help you to identify what the real issue is, and what is the right action you need to take to fix it.

Episode: https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-220/


Links mentioned in this episode:

If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.




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