Are you a people pleaser and you're tired of living a life feeling like it's never enough? Like you're never enough?

Underneath people pleasing is an inner child that chose this pathway as a response and survival mode. Being a people pleaser isn't who you are, it's a way you've learned to cope with getting your needs met. To be safe. 

I too was a people pleaser for the first half of my life until one day I decided I had to figure this out if I ever wanted to truly be happy in my life. There was a big hole in me and I could never fill it from the outside in. I had to do it from the inside out and that's what I did when I started a journey of self-love, self-discovery and choosing me for the first time in my life. 

YOU CAN change! You can learn who you really are beneath these masks we've created to appease, be approved of, loved and belong. I'm sharing how I learned to find my way through and out the other side of the loneliness and isolation of being a people pleaser. 

Vitality, truth, authenticity, peace and freedom are on the other side and it all starts with one decision to begin moving forward for you.

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