On today’s podcast episode, Alexa is joined by Emma Lindholm as a co-host. Emma is the co-director of Unipreneurs network and currently a student at Karolinska University Hospital. They are SO EXCITED to be interviewing a very special guest – Malin Frithiofsson.

In this episode, we talk about Malin’s unconventional journey that landed her a job within venture capital. Malin currently works at Chalmers Ventures, part of Chalmers University, where her role is Head of Community Management. She was awarded the Ecosystem Here of the year by the Nordic Startup Awards in 2019 and also happens to be a published author with her own poetry book, a public speaker, and an equality expert.

This episode digs deep into the topic of being a woman in the startup and VC worlds and how men can be our allies to create a more inclusive community. Malin hits us with the facts and really educated us on what the current situation looks like, what research has proven, and how we can move forward.

In Malin's words: "Women make up 50% of the human population. Still, women own only about 9% of all startup Equity and received less then 1% of all venture capital in Sweden last year. Across the world, substantially more patents are given to men and substantially more men found companies and hold seats in company boards. A world innovated, built, and owned by men is also most likely to be built for men – something that is showing with the rising occurence of gendered products and services."

Follow Malin's journey:

Web: https://www.malinfrithiofsson.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/malin-frithiofsson/

Other great people/things mentioned:

We recorded this during Create Squared in March 2020 and have been on a break since. Episodes will continue regularly again throughout the rest of 2020.

Do you have a recommendation for a student founder we should interview? They can be located anywhere in the world! Send us an email at info@unipreneurs.com as we would love to hear your recommendations and feedback.

Follow us on Instagram @Unipreneurs and find us on Facebook and LinkedIn at Unipreneurs Network.

Our website: https://www.unipreneurs.com/

Link to join our slack channel (expires on August 29th 2020): https://join.slack.com/t/unipreneursworkspace/shared_invite/zt-g0h7t9uf-kzYXOMn6ghQ3rXk4fKA1aw

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