This week I spoke with partner and creative director at Laughing Samurai, Gilbert Gomez. Laughing Samurai is a UX/UI company with clients ranging from UCF to Microsoft with a focus on being bolder and faster than the competition. In our conversation, Gilbert and I talked about the difference between traditional layout and UX/UI design, we took a deep dive into his work for UCF, and we covered the importance of typography in UX/UI design. With a background in more traditional layout design, Gilbert brought a great perspective to UX/UI design that gives a practical way to approach the field, especially for those coming from a print background. Gilbert has some really awesome design work so be sure to connect with him and the team at Laughing Samurai at the links below:


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Creatively Brief: Conversations in Graphic Design, Filmmaking, Photography, and More

43 - Gilbert Gomez: The Best Practice Is Constant Learning
