When a whole family vanishes into thin air, the authorities first believe maybe they went on vacation to Mexico. But when one family member makes it their job to get into the McStay family home and finds a puzzling scene... Where is the McStay family? Listen to this episode to find out! Instagram: smitten.mitten.true.crime Twitter: SMITTEN_MI_TTEN Email: sabrinaalexys19@gmail.com https://jeancampbell-25104.medium.com/the-haunting-end-of-the-mcstay-family-9668df7d824d https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.oxygen.com/killer-motive/crime-news/mcstay-family-murders-case-timeline-what-to-know%3famp https://www.crimemuseum.org/crime-library/cold-cases/mcstay-family/https://disappearedblog.com/the-mcstay-family/

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