A description of the mosaic inscription "to God Jesus Christ" found at Megiddo/Legio and on display at the Bible Museum in Washington D.C.
Presentation on what Christians meant when they called Jesus G/god in the early A.D. 3rd century.
Video version of this podcast: https://youtu.be/Hg6Dm4mx_SU
Sources and Resources:
One God Report Podcast, Bill Schlegel YouTube Channel. Episodes 10-11 The Evolution of the Trinity, with Dr. Dale Tuggy.
Rollston, Christopher. “A Stunning Trio of Early Christian (3rd Century) Inscriptions from Biblical Armageddon: ‘God Jesus Christ,’ Five Prominent Named Women, a Named Centurion, a Eucharist Table, and Two Fish.” Rollston Epigraphy: Ancient Inscriptions from the Levantine World, July 4, 2024. http://www.rollstonepigraphy.com/?p=1004.
Rubenstein, R. When Jesus Became God. Harcourt, Inc., 1999.
Tepper, Yotam, and Leah Di Segni. A Christian Prayer Hall of the Third Century CE at Kefar ‘Othnay (Legio): Excavations at the Megiddo Prison 2005. With contribution by Guy Stiebel. Jerusalem: Israel Antiquities Authority, 2006. Academia Link Yotam Tepper
Tuggy, Dale. History of Trinity Doctrines. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/trinity/trinity-history.html#TertulTertullian, On the First Principles. https://www.newadvent.org/fathers/04120.htm
Tzaferis, Vassilios. “Inscribed ‘To God Jesus Christ’,” BAR 33-02, Mar-Apr 2007. https://library.biblicalarchaeology.org/article/inscribed-to-god-jesus-christ/
Smith, Dustin, Biblical Unitarian Podcast 357