Small Caps

RareX (ASX: REE) unveils fast-track strategy for Cummins Range rare earths project (w/ James Durrant)


RareX (ASX: REE) chief executive officer James Durrant joins Small Caps to discuss plans to potentially fast-track the development of its Cummins Range rare earth element project in Western Australia.

The company is focused on off-take opportunities at Australia’s largest undeveloped rare earths project.

RareX is now preparing for the submission of project approvals and securing offtake agreements in the lead up to the conclusion of a pre-feasibility study.

It is also preparing to test near-mine anomalies with the potential to add material value to the project.

Elsewhere, RareX has allocated business development capacity to Canada where it has identified advanced rare earth deposits as being attractive complementary acquisition opportunities.

RareX remains bullish on the longer-term outlook for rare earths, which are expected to see over 6% compound annual growth rates year-on-year for the foreseeable future.


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