Today we wanted to discuss the concept that your children’s foundation all starts within the home. “It starts at home. Fueling their minds, watering their thoughts, showing them grace, and asking for forgiveness when we’ve fallen short. It starts at home. Building healthy relationships, teaching them manners, showing them the power of kindness. It starts at home. Using words with honour, speaking life into our situations, refusing to give up when the going gets tough, it starts at home. Prioritising the right things, making memories in the mundane, feeling our emotions rather than bottling them up, it starts at home. Being there for them, opening up the lines of communication, getting to know them more each and every day, it starts at home. And each and every day I pray that home will be a place they remember as learning, laughing, growing, forgiving, and setting a strong foundation for many years to come.” Fire Wife Chronicles by Lizzy Christian

  • What this means for Rosie 1:25
  • How many hours do you spend with them vs others? 3:30
  • It’s OK when things slip up 6:35
  • Teaching your kids to speak positively 10:50
  • Creating a sanctuary for your kids 16:30

“This isn’t something you wanna be doing all the time. But the good thing about that is instead of being like ‘No, we can’t do this.’ and then that’s the thing the children want to do, when they do get to do it, then they know it’s like a treat. Like a relaxing treat or a lazy day, but long term that’s not the thing you want to do consistently that will be productive for you.” 8:25 up a copy of Journal to Joy. My NEW 90 Day Goals, Gratitude & Affirmation Journal to Create a Happy & Abundant Life. to Letters to My Sisters Newsletter. You will hear EVERYTHING here first.

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