In this episode we are talking about how family vision boards create space to connect and teach children the power of setting goals as an individual and a family. As an eternal optimist, Maria is a relentless pursuer of happiness. Discovering how most everything in life can be solved or fixed with a little grit, moxie, and a love for doing what you do, is her superpower. Listen to Rosie and Maria talk about how goals and vision boards can best be implemented into your family’s life and how this can really change your family’s future for the better.

  • How Maria got into vision boards 1:00
  • Being careful with the detail 6:20
  • Her experience with accountability and the visual 12:20
  • Preparing your children to best prepare for the future 27:00
  • The neuroscience behind vision imagery 41:30

“There’s such science around tracking our progress and physically writing it down. Apps are great, but physical trackers on paper are much more.. They have a higher success rate than our apps because it’s easy for me to forget about an app on my phone and not do it, but if I’ve got a paper in front of me that I’ve got next to my desk, or taped to my computer or the wall where I’m working, I’m gonna stay much more consistent with that.” 44:42@mariamaldonadosmith mmsconsultingfirm.com up a copy of Journal to Joy. My NEW 90 Day Goals, Gratitude & Affirmation Journal to Create a Happy & Abundant Life. to Letters to My Sisters Newsletter. You will hear EVERYTHING here first.

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