We feel this is something that could be applicable to everyone. It could be an unconscious thing that’s happening, which you’re not even aware of, but it’s good to become aware of it. Marriage is basically the biggest commitment we can make and it’s easy to take for granted because it’s just there constantly once you’re married. Your marriage is where you have committed to give it your all and that can take extra dedication to really give the other person the love and attention they need from you to keep your bond strong.

  • Are you more engaged outside of the home? 2:15
  • Your marriage is where you should be giving the most 4:00
  • A dynamic marriage 5:00
  • Are other influences complementing your marriage? 7:50

“My children are paying attention to my marriage and later when they want to make choices for their spouse. If they’re not in a good relationship, they might say to themselves after a while. This isn’t what my mom and dad have. I want something that my mom and dad had, and then that might cause them to look for someone who picks marriage first, who picks dating first, who picks friends that complement marriage.” 8:33https://www.facebook.com/theirishmummy/https://www.instagram.com/the_irish_mummy/Pick up a copy of Journal to Joy. My NEW 90 Day Goals, Gratitude & Affirmation Journal to Create a Happy & Abundant Life.https://www.theirishmummy.com/Subscribe to Letters to My Sisters Newsletter. You will hear EVERYTHING here first.https://www.theirishmummy.com/

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