Xandy Barry is an award winning multi-platinum songwriter and producer who has collaborated with artists including Miley Cyrus, Lil Wayne, Baby E, Norah Jones, Rihanna, Zella Day, Family of The Year, Bon Iver, Creeper, Slash and many others.  He is the co-owner of WAX LTD, an independent record label, and co-owner of AUDIO WAX a joint venture with Universal Music, providing curated music for film and television across the globe. In this episode Xandy shares some highlight stories of artists he’s worked with, his take on the art and business of developing an artist, and mental health tips for music professionals. We also explore Xandy’s meditation practice, nothingness, the connections between music and mindfulness and how both practices support each other. 


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Read "In Tune: Music As The Bridge To Mindfulness" 


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