When you give the Savior your rocks, eliminate your reliance on man and his "wisdom", have proper motives, step out of the box and hearken to God and peel away the false traditions, you should be left with only the Savior to turn to in times of healing. In my opinion, trusting Him and healing naturally go hand-in-hand. What's next? Here are some common denominators of the Gift of Healing...This post isn't intended to be a "How to" of the Gift of Healing. If you treat it as such, you're missing the point.Healing is a Gift of Faith. And whenever, wherever faith is truly present, so is God's power. Thus, the Gift of Healing should be, at the minimum, a clear manifestation of God's power.I have no words to describe the times I've witnessed blessings which incorporated all of the above characteristics. They transformed not only the person receiving the blessing, but also me (as the one giving or witnessing the blessing).How many times have you actually felt the power of God before a blessing, during a blessing and after a blessing? I mean, you could PHYSICALLY feel it?These are supposed to be events when God's knowledge, words and power are manifest in miraculous ways! As I have said since Day 1 on this blog, "Aim higher! Reach further! Attain greater!"UNLEASH THE POWER OF FAITH, THE POWER OF HEALING AND THE POWER OF GOD! (See 1 Kings 18:30-39)In doing so, you'll never, ever forget the experience.

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