There are several in our midst who have been healed not by doctors, nor by priesthood blessings, but by someone exercising the Gift of Healing. Their stories are profound.Thanks to all who sent me their examples of the Gift of Healing (not priesthood or medical healings) in which a person exercised faith which helped heal another or themself. Some I've included in the body of this post; others (because I can't have this post be miles long) I've included in a Google doc (here).I leave you with my testimony that the Gift of Healing is a real thing.I've seen broken hearts mended in the blink of an eye. I've seen Stage 4 cancer healed on the spot. I've seen people healed of abnormalities which doctors and stake presidents had long given up hope of healing.Yeshua is a real person. I know this fact independent of anyone else. I know His face, His hands, His feet and yes, especially His smile. He is so full of life and love and passion. If I were to guess what His favorite activity is, I think He would say "Healing." He loves to turn that which is seemingly dead or dying into something -- or someone -- full of life. He delights in shattering our mortal expectations of just how merciful and giving a God is, and in doing what's been called "impossible math." As we read in Ephesians 3:20, He "is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think." I testify that what He says in Jeremiah 33:3 is true: "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not."And I know that He longs for the day when He gets to hold you, look into your eyes and say to you, "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.” (Isaiah 43:1)If you REALLY want to experience a mind-blowing adventure with Him, then I invite you to re-read this series, as well as previous ones on Charity, Discernment and Alignment. The future -- the *near* future -- needs all the true healers it can get.So go forth, and make sure that together with Yeshua, the fire that will burn within you will be more powerful than the fire that will burn around you.

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