(To use a baseball metaphor), we mortals tend to see healing opportunities in terms of first-base runs. But our God, and His perspective, continues to send YOU home run-level opportunities. Whether you just stay on first base, or take the run to home plate, is up to you.The story of Jesus Christ truly is the greatest story ever told. One of the greatest aspects of that story is the fact that it's not over. Though Jesus ascended to Heaven, He is still working here on earth. Jesus is still changing the hearts and lives of people, and still healing in truly miraculous ways. And He's using mortals to accomplish His work.What about you?Have you ever seen the Gift of Healing in action? Note that I'm not talking about a priesthood blessing; again, even the church's Handbook differentiates between “priesthood blessings” (calling “the elders of the church” to “let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord”) and “exercising faith.”Do faith-based healings still exist today?You tell me. Erase any doubts people may have that such miracles don't exist today.I invite you to contact LDS Perfect Day via its contact form or via email at ldsperfectday@gmail.com by Saturday, August 15, 2021. Share your experience with me, and let's share it with others (don't worry; I'll delete any identifying information).It's up to you to convince others that miracles have not been done away with, but still exist, among true believers of Yeshua HaMashiach!

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