In this special episode, we will cover how you can hire your first closer or setter, all the way up to building a kickass sales team that prints money for you while you're on vacation with your girlfriend, spending time with family, or working on needle movers for your business.

This will be very beneficial for you if you already have a sales team and need to expand or replace, or if you are a lone warrior looking to build your sales department from 0. These pieces of advice come from the perspective of someone who has built multiple sales teams for agency owners, service providers, coaches, and consultants.

We will cover topics like when to hire, what the hiring procedure looks like, how to know if your new hire is good enough, how to conduct interviews, what the "Rule of 2" and Holy trifecta of having a great sales team are, and much, much more.Enjoy ;)


MASTERCLASS: How to Land Your First Clients as Coach, Consultant or Service Provider:

Apply now for a free consultation call to start your own online business:

How To Get 7-14 Appointments Per Week Using TikTok And Instagram:

Read more about Freedom Business Mentoring:

As one of the most influential online business consultants Max Tornow has built several multiple-7-figure companies in the online coaching, consulting and agency market.

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Subscribe to Max's YouTube channel for more business & lifestyle content:


Timestamps:00:00 - Introduction0:02:12 - How most people in business hire in ways that never work0:09:40 - When to hire0:11:57 - Should you hire a setter or a closer?0:15:23 - Hiring procedure0:16:30 - How much should a setter/closer get paid?0:26:41 - How to know if the closer/setter is good0:40:58 - The market mindset0:43:22 - What makes A-players want to work with you?0:58:37 - How many people should I hire?0:59:54 - What does the hiring procedure look like?1:20:05 - The "Mock" interview1:34:32 - The second interview1:38:54 - The third and final interview1:40:36 - Extending the offer1:45:17 - Managing expectations1:46:36 - Training and ramp-up1:54:17 - Holy trifecta of having a great sales team1:55:35 - The rule of 21:57:20 - ABH - Always Be Hiring

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