Think about a world where robots are ubiquitous. Where robots are a part of our lives like The Jetsons promised us. Like having WALL-E or R2-D2 as a buddy. The Robotics Summit & Expo is a precursor to that…

The Robotics Summit & Expo – hosted by WTWH Media – is an event focused on the commercialization of robots. The work that needs to be done to get robots out into the world. To make them more adoptable by industrial companies. This is where engineers and developers get educated on where robotics are today, and what work still needs to done - the technology, the business models, etc. - to deliver on the promises of robotics - the positive promises of robotics - that many of us probably grew up envisioning.

This episode is a recap of the event with various interviews mixed in. Guests and co-hosts include:

  • Jonathan Hurst, Chief Robotics Officer at Agility Robotics
  • Joyce Sidopoulos, Co-Founder and Chief of Operations at MassRobotics
  • Scott Sizemore, Director of Commercial Marketing at Electrocraft
  • Meaghan Ziemba, Host of Mavens of Manufacturing
  • Jake Hall, The Manufacturing Millennial
  • Mike Oitzman, Co-Host of The Robot Report Podcast

Podden och tillhörande omslagsbild på den här sidan tillhör Chris Luecke. Innehållet i podden är skapat av Chris Luecke och inte av, eller tillsammans med, Poddtoppen.