After the drama of Mick McCarthy's 2002 World Cup Diary a fortnight ago, it's time for Roy Keane's side of the story, as we read the Manchester United legend's explosive 2002 book 'Keane: The Autobiography'.

Joining us to read it is the brilliant comedian and comedy writer, as well as host of The Way They Were podcast, Gráinne Maguire, as we delve deep, deep, DEEP into the mind of the former Irish captain.

Featuring Roy on Jack Charlton, the nightmare of people asking you for tickets, and the merits of pasta. Plus Roy's scathing views on Jason McAteer's fish and chip challenge, *that* challenge on Alfe Inge Haaland, a Dramatic Reading where Roy goes watch shopping with Lee Sharpe and, of course, the sheer drama of that showdown with Mick in Saipan.

Who will come out on top? Roy or Mick? Find out in Keane vs McCarthy Pt 2.

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