It's time for, perhaps, the most obscure and most bizarre book we've ever read on Football Book Club - and definitely the shortest. We're reading all 58 pages of former Spurs, Wolves and Arsenal midfielder Rohan Ricketts's self-published, 2013 book 'Passion For Football: Things To Know From Youth to Pro'.

Having played for no less than NINETEEN clubs around the world, from Canada to Bangladesh, Ecuador to Coventry, Rohan's book is part self-help, part the highs and lows of being a globetrotting journeyman, and there's even time for an interview with Darren Bent.

Featuring unwanted phone calls with David Pleat, Steve Sidwell teacher's pet and the perils of being a salsa teacher. Plus Eric the taxi driving football agent, a truly disastrous spell in Moldova and Rohan teaches us the F.A.C.T.S.

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