The impact of The American Society for Enhanced Recovery (ASER) cannont be understated, it has helped practitioners to implement better practice across the US. In this piece we discuss the approach of a 'council of nurses' and how an Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) programme can be advocated within an environment without leaving practitioners or patients behind.

Learn how a round table approach combined with an evidence base can sometimes work better than the traditional hierarchical power structure. Front line providers can often be a source of innovation and best practice. They are also often the ones who can first identify issues with standards in protocol and best practice.

Presented by Desiree Chappell with her guests Dr Ruchir Gupta, medical lead for enhanced recovery at Stony Brook University and Joni Brady, Perianesthesia, Pain Management Nursing Consultant Alexandria, Virginia.


Like this, want more?

Ruchir Gupta's insightful contributions also feature in this piece here:

More of Joni Brady's pragmatic approach is to be found here:

Also, our lead presenter Desiree Chappell's hugely popular series "Desiree's Roundtable" can be listened to here:

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