A very open conversation with the master of process and productive, integrative land planning, Darren Doherty.

Darren Doherty and his family are the masterminds behind The online learning resource The Regrarians platform, along with The REX farm planning course, The Rap and the ROC international conventions. Darren is also the originator of carbon farming as a course, and is credited with popularising the international movement RegenAg, he is also the author of the comprehensive and developing Regrarians Handbook.

Darren's portfolio includes over 15000 graduates, and active involvement in the design and development of over 3000 broad acre projects over 6 continents (Their platform is especially popular in Latin America).  But more than Darren's numbers and achievements I realized that Darren brings something very unique and all his own into the space of ecological connection, intelligence, regeneration and farming.  A truly openminded yet highly pragmatic approach. Darren's not afraid to be an active critic of the weaknesses behind any system, and is equally respectful of the strengths of the same systems. Darren is an active supporter, and somewhat of a spotlight, for a host of true heroes, and their work, in this space globally. Darren heralds the growing acceptance of a pluralistic view towards ecologically harmonious production systems. 

We delve into a more personal side with Darren Doherty and his journey so far.  Covering his core values and beliefs behind the drive to serve more people more effectively with their own land.

 Keyline, holistic management, the mental climate and grandmas hands. It was really exciting to dive in to see what makes the man tick and have a laugh or two.   

I cant recommend Darren Doherty's work enough and there is a reason why he is the master of process. 

check out the Regrarians platform here  

If your not part of the EcoIQ Tribe then jump in here 

06:30 Hosting, teaching and managing 120+ REX students online

14:35 Purpose

17:04 The Why

23:43 Helping people miss the first shot- innovation is chaos..

25:25 Designing vs planning

28:00 Design, process and Permaculture

30:20 Personal Bias- attacking the idea and not the person

 35:17 A Holistic context and happiness

44:10 Not everyone needs a garden

49:20 The importance of family

59:05 Keyline Planning and Holistic Management

1:04:00 Permaculture and Keyline

1:09:30 Process vs principles, planning vs design

1:13:58 Joel Salatin and harmonising with each other

1:19:40 The influence of Latin America, and taking lessons from Roundup

1:30:35 The core issue behind shifting mental climate

1:38:50 A message for healing - the world wants to live.

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The EcoIQ Project

1.11 Mastering The Art Of Process With Regrarians Founder Darren Doherty
