Waco, TX, 1993 - At long last! We're wrapping up the Waco saga, with a deep dive into the 51-day standoff between the Branch Davidians and the FBI. Y'all, we may think we know how it ended, but the truth is so much weirder ...



PBS timeline


ATF Remembering Waco

"Waco Siege: Days that Shaped America"

"David Koresh: The Final 24"

"Mugshots: David Koresh - Prophet of Death"

Eyewitness News 3-1-1993

Janet Reno 1993 Waco Incident Press Conference

The New York Times Retro Report

ABC News

Office of the Special Counsel report

DoJ Archives Report

Report to Deputy Attorney General

FBI transcripts

11th Report by Committee on Government Reform

FindLaw legal commentary

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