The Crash Program

Disinfomaniacs Episode 11: vice-chair of Moms for Liberty Maine chapter allegedly groomed, with drugs & violence, an underage teenager he impregnated.


CW: This episode deals with allegations of sexual abuse, as well as domestic violence, grooming and discusses of heroin addiction. Listener be warned. You'll hear Justin Whynot, the vice-chair of the local Moms for Liberty chapter (and candidate for school board) tell the RSU 14 (Windham and Raymond, Maine) school board on 11/1/2023 that he'd been falsely accused of bad things by his daughter's maternal grandmother and that the allegations were being used against him as a political attack. We speak to the mother making the allegations that, about 20 years ago, the Moms for Liberty-endorsed candidate (then 20) had physically abused and introduced her then-14 year old daughter to sex, drugs and pregnancy, which all contributed to her now 36-year-old daughter's existence as a person with a drug addiction living on the streets of Portland, Maine.

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