Want to go viral over and over again? 🔥

In this episode, I'm breaking down the science of creating viral content consistently. Once you learn this formula, you can't unlearn it.

First, let's talk about why going viral is so important. It's not just about the views. It's about the fact that social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok allow you to market to the masses for FREE. One viral video can give you the same level of exposure as a TV ad that costs tens of thousands of dollars. 🤯

So how do you actually go viral? tune into this episode and find out!

Remember, success leaves clues. You just need to know where to look. 

Top Quotes:

"Every famous person that you know, every single one of them, takes inspiration on some level from other people." (2:40)

"Once I figure out what's doing well, AKA it's performing better than my average view volume, I'll study them." (6:24)

"If a video goes viral, your audience is literally like, 'Hey, we like this. Let's do more of that.'" (9:48)

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