The mindset for maximum growth: how to 10X your online fitness business 🚀

In this episode, I'm diving deep into the mindset shifts you need to make if you want to achieve exponential growth in your online fitness business. Most people are playing way too small. They hit a little success and then take their foot off the gas. But if you want to reach that next level, you've got to be hungry for more.

I break it down into three key steps throughout this episode.

So if you're ready to stop settling and start playing to your full potential, this episode will light a fire under your ass. Let's go!

Top Quotes:

"Unless you get to a point where you can't stand the person that's looking back in the mirror because you start being brutally f****** honest with yourself, you're never going to transform your life." (8:38)

"You want the mindset for maximum growth. As soon as you hit that goal, you get excited about it. You let yourself celebrate it. You f****** give yourself a pat on the back for being an absolute and total f****** badass. And then, you're like, yo, how do I expand this vision? Like, how can I take this to the next level?" (15:03)

"The mindset is the decision that you make on what type of thoughts, behaviors, patterns, and actions that you tolerate for yourself." (17:56) ____ ⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:

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