Lean into the discomfort and be your authentic self on social media. 

In this episode, I'm diving deep with my 10K Mastermind clients on what it really takes to grow your online fitness business. And spoiler alert: a big part of it is getting uncomfortable and showing up as your true, authentic self. 

We cover everything from changing the name of your challenge to appeal to your audience, to sharing the REAL story of your fitness journey (even the hard parts), to pushing yourself to create video content that converts.

Because the truth is, if you want to build a loyal following that trusts you, you can't just post funny videos or hide behind a keyboard. You've got to let your personality shine through and give your audience the whole picture - the good, the bad, and the ugly. 

So if you're ready to step outside your comfort zone and start attracting your dream clients, this episode is for you. Tune in and let's get real. 💯

Top Quotes:

"The audience is voting with their likes, their views, their comments, their engagement. They're telling you what they want. You gotta give them what they want." (46:23)

"I feel like so there's one thing about my story that's just like exhausting is just that I've lived like 10 different lifetimes. And so there's so many different parts to my story that I can share and I just don't want people to think that I'm the person who's like doesn't have my shit together and is like constantly going through stuff." (1:20:17)

"Reels is a new skill. And it's gonna make you feel dumb while you're doing it. But it's actually making you smarter." (1:23:40)


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