Episode 119: Unlocking Food Cravings: Heather's Hypnotherapy Insights.

In this episode, we delve into Heather's journey with cravings, hypnotherapy, and the surprising transformations that followed. We explore how her nostalgic connection with sweets from the 80s shifted after a session of hypnosis, shedding light on the power of the mind in reshaping our relationship with food.

Highlights from the Episode:

Sweet Memories of the 80s: Heather reminisces about a time when chocolate bars and sweet treats were cherished on special occasions, evoking memories of love and warmth shared with her Grandma over Resse’s Cups and Andes Mints.

Emotional Connections: The deep emotional tie Heather had with her grandmother and the associated treats became evident during a hypnotherapy session aimed at tackling cravings, leading her to tear up with newfound awareness.

Exploring Hypnotherapy: Curious about the potential outcomes, Heather embarked on her first hypnosis experience, intrigued by the prospect of addressing her cravings and their impact on her weight loss journey.

Transformation Unfolds: Heather narrates her journey through hypnosis, from craving Reese’s Cups and Andes Mints to feeling averse to them post-session. The once irresistible treats now evoke sensations like toothaches or overly minty toothpaste, highlighting the shift in perception after hypnotherapy.

Personal Insights: Heather draws parallels between hypnosis and her love for yoga, sharing her unique perspective on how the two practices resonate and differ in unlocking the mind's potential.

Key Takeaways:

Explore the emotional roots of cravings and their impact on your relationship with food.

Consider hypnotherapy as a tool to address cravings and reshape your perceptions.

Embrace the transformative power of the mind in creating healthier habits and choices.

Join us on this enlightening journey as Heather shares her experience of breaking free from food cravings and redefining her approach to mindful eating.


Do you want to see the results achieved in live hypnotherapy sessions? Are you not convinced that hypnotherapy works? Don't worry, I have you covered! I started the YouTube Channel with you in mind! Click on the link below to my YouTube Channel.


Hypnotherapy can truly help you in so many different areas of your life. Join me for a free 30 minute consultation using this link https://www.claireoldhamwest.com/contact 

Slimming Stories Facebook Group.


You can visit my website for details of the services I offer and read reviews. Claireoldhamwest.com

Hypnotherapy can help you to achieve great results alongside your healthy intentions. Whether you attend a Slimming World group, count calories or follow a WW plan with Weight Watchers there is so much more to weight loss than losing physical weight.

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