I denne episoden tar vi opp spørsmål sendt inn fra dere lyttere der tematikken svinger er alt fra favorittfilm, periodisering, myter og schlatters. Episoden er også tilgjengelig på Youtube! Referanser: Ohtaka, M., Hiramoto, I., Minagawa, H., Matsuzaki, M., Saito, A., & Ishigoka, M. (2020). Musculoskeletal examination of junior high school students using a diagnostic ultrasound device: Investigation of Osgood-Schlatter disease and its related factors. The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine, 9(3), 105-113. Gaulrapp, H., & Nührenbörger, C. (2022). The Osgood-Schlatter disease: a large clinical series with evaluation of risk factors, natural course, and outcomes. International Orthopaedics, 46(2), 197-204. Clemm, H. H., Olin, J. T., McIntosh, C., Schwellnus, M., Sewry, N., Hull, J. H., & Halvorsen, T. (2022). Exercise-induced laryngeal obstruction (EILO) in athletes: a narrative review by a subgroup of the IOC Consensus on ‘acute respiratory illness in the athlete’. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 56(11), 622-629. Wen, D., Utesch, T., Wu, J., Robertson, S., Liu, J., Hu, G., & Chen, H. (2019). Effects of different protocols of high intensity interval training for VO2max improvements in adults: A meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Journal of science and medicine in sport, 22(8), 941-947. Bruyère, O., Beaudart, C., Reginster, J. Y., Buckinx, F., Schoene, D., Hirani, V., ... & Freiberger, E. (2016). Assessment of muscle mass, muscle strength and physical performance in clinical practice: an international survey. European Geriatric Medicine, 7(3), 243-246. Rss Apple Podcaster →