00:00 - 21:14 The controversy of the Ralbag
21:15 - 30:39 What is a higher spiritual level, to learn Torah or to bring others closer to Hashem?
30:40 - 32:39 The Gemoro says it is forbidden to fill one’s mouth with laughter, what does this mean today?
32:40 - 42:17 What is the role of Mussar in Rosh Hashana?
42:18 - 51:54 Why does the Torah prohibit continued social contact with former spouses and significant others?
51:55 - 1:02:07 Why does the Yeshivah world put more emphasis on Gemoro than other learnings?
1:02:08 - 1:04:47 Can you count a person who breaks Shabbas for a Minyan or give them an Aliyah?
1:04:48 - 1:08:00 What is the pshat of the Maharsha of Rebi Yehuda who was cholek on his Rebi?
1:08:01 - 1:12:11 How should we approach Sha’ar Yichud of Chovos HaLevavos?
1:12:12 - 1:16:00 In Elul, how does a person know if he’s going too fast or too slow?
1:16:01 - If a Kohen is getting an Aliyah and he is still in Tachanun, what should he do?
1:17:00 - 1:18:55 In what was said above about the Ralbag, could that be related to the idea that ‘history repeats itself’
1:18:56 - 1:20:03 If I come late to the Minyan should I skip Pesukei D’Zimra?
1:20:04 - 1:23:12 If Olam Haba is such a fundamental principle of Judaism, why is not mentioned in the Torah?
1:23:13 - 1:26:08 If Olam Haba is the greatest point, what can one’s relationship be with their body?
1:26:09 - 1:30:03 ‘God loves me I don’t have to do Mitzvahs anymore’, how would the Rav respond to this?
1:30:04 - 1:31:14 Is one allowed to work in cash advance jobs?