Michael interviews Riverside Sheriff Chad Bianco on the arrest made at the Trump rally in Coachella. Sheriff Bianco reminds California gun owners that if they registered and voted, Trump would have won the 2020 election. Have you voted yet? Use the SDCGO voter guide & share it with a friend! https://sdcgo.org/voterguide

Leo Hamel shares why he’s such a passionate supporter of the Second Amendment, his background in competitive dancing, and the Robert F Kennedy Jr presidential campaign. https://leohamel.com

SEAL1’s Stump My Nephew: Why would it have been confusing if the inventor of the Galil, Yisrael Galili, had named the rifle after his original last name?

Put the DOUGH back in DONATE! Support NOTMECA.org in their battle against domestic violence and rape by giving women the tools and training to defend themselves.

Sign up for the Intro to Off-Grid Communications + Class on Nov 23! https://gunownersradio.com


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The right to self-defense is a basic human right. Gun ownership is an integral part of that right. If you want to keep your Second Amendment rights, defend them by joining San Diego County Gun Owners (SDCGO), Orange County Gun Owners (OCGO), or Inland Empire Gun Owners (IEGO).

https://www.sandiegocountygunowners.com https://orangecountygunowners.com http://inlandempiregunowners.com

Support the cause by listening to Gun Owners Radio live on Sunday afternoon or on any podcast app at your leisure. Together we will win.


Get expert legal advice on any firearm-related issues: https://dillonlawgp.com

Smarter web development and digital marketing help: https://www.sagetree.com

Clean your guns easier, faster, and safer! https://seal1.com

Stay cool this summer with Straight Shooter Heating & Cooling! https://straightshooter.ac

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