The disruptor movement exists to allow EVERYONE who wants a place in the wealth space to have one.. because wealth is AWESOME! So tune in because today I’m showing you just how you can create that space using The 3 Wealth Systems, aka three approaches you can take to wealth!

The 3 Wealth Systems…

  1. The $0 Investing Approach: Your business isn't at $0, but your available money for creating wealth is. 
  2. The Hands Off Approach: Your business makes extra money every month and this approach allows you to use a passive money machine to let it grow thoughtlessly on your part. You can pull paychecks from this amount as it grows. It’s easy to see why this option tends to be everyone's favorite as their business reaches around the six-figure point. 
  3. The Visionary Approach: Your business makes extra money every month. This approach is typically for visionaries that are interested in not only growing their money, but expanding their resources through acquisitions and equity. This is where you can get really creative and is my absolute favorite for those that love the game of business. 


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The Recurring Wealth Podcast

The 3 Wealth Systems
