Our mindset is a product of our conditioning. The question is… what have you been conditioned to believe about the topic of money that’s keeping you from creating wealth? In today’s episode, our wealth chat uncovers reasons why you’re not wealthy, taking a closer look at the thoughts, behaviors, and patterns behind money mindset types. Because learning how to think makes the game of wealth easier to play… helping you not only create wealth but keep it!


Imagine what a tangible, step-by-step roadmap to your wealth looks like. Predictable profit in your business and a life of wealth outside of your business. That’s exactly why I created the Disruptor interactive membership for entrepreneurs! For only $75 a month, you get access to the processes and tools that I use in my own business and every business I invest in to lock in predictable profit. You also get access to a community that shares big ideas, live support twice a month, and your very own customized wealth game plan!

Yes, my mission is centered around women, but no matter how you identify, no matter where you're at in life, no matter how you look, and no matter what you think, as an entrepreneur wealth is available to you right now, and I am so excited to show you what this can look like for you! So come join the wave of entrepreneurs who are disrupting the wealth industry by creating wealth that pays you now and forever!

Watch my FREE 9-minute webinar where I break it all down for you. I hope you’ll join me in this exciting new movement!



Social Media: instagram.com/haleyburkhead

Podden och tillhörande omslagsbild på den här sidan tillhör Haley Burkhead. Innehållet i podden är skapat av Haley Burkhead och inte av, eller tillsammans med, Poddtoppen.

The Recurring Wealth Podcast

Is This Keeping You From Wealth?
