Taking Five

Podcast Producer Steve Robinson from Barstool Sports' "The Kirk Minihane Show" Teaches Us How To, You Know, Produce Podcasts (Part 1 of 2)


Steve Robinson did not grow up thinking he was going to be a podcast producer. He didn't grow up thinking he was going to have his voice be heard by thousands of people on radio stations and podcasts on a daily basis. And he DEFINITELY didn't grow up thinking he was going to be making dick jokes for a living. But, such is the life of Barstool Sports podcast producer. Steve tells us about his unique path from working in Politics to producing one of the most popular sports podcasts on the market, and how he was able to work his way up from sound guy to full-fledged on-air personality.

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Taking Five

Podcast Producer Steve Robinson from Barstool Sports' "The Kirk Minihane Show" Teaches Us How To, You Know, Produce Podcasts (Part 1 of 2)
