As an Asian American, I'm sure that at some point you've heard the terms model minority myth and bamboo ceiling.  How often have you thought about the history behind it all, what their impact is on your personal and professional lives, and how you can start to break through some of these stereotypes not only for yourself, but also for your community of peers?

In this Conversations with HUR, I have the pleasure of introducing you to Soon Mee Kim—a mentor, a friend, and the Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer for the Omnicom Public Relations Group.  

This episode is very personal to me.  These past few years have afforded me the privilege and honor of sharing some incredibly heartfelt conversations with fellow Asian American women who not unlike myself, have felt a level of invisibility due to the aforementioned stereotypes. 

Join us for some real talk about everything from privilege and perception, to why it's critically important for us to know our own history here in the United States.  I hope that this episode with Soon Mee helps you to feel seen, to feel heard, and to feel empowered to let your voice ROAR!

To find out more about the Hear Us Roar podcast, and sign up for my mailing list, visit  Please subscribe to the show, and leave a comment, so I know how you feel.  I look forward to hearing from you! 

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