Animal Communicator Liz Murdoch chats with Dog Dad Jim Gavlovski, Co-Founder of Guardian Pet Foods and creator of the very popular Nobl Dog Food Bars. Besides creating healthy dog food, Jim is committed to finding out what dogs want and need, even when we have to go ask the dogs! 

Tune in and hear from a puppy Louie who shares insights on the changes that come with growing into a bigger body and how changing rules about the couch can make a difference and be confusing, even for the most well-behaved of dogs. And, check out posts on Instagram to see Louie’s super happy face when his dog dad made an adjustment that Louie wanted regarding seeing how a window! Two year old Captain also shares important dog messages so join us for some intuitive interspecies communication and finding out what dogs want their people to know!

For more on Jim’s work towards healthy dog food, visit Instagram @noblfoods

Interested in trying some of Nobl Foods products? Visit and use code: dogtalk15 for a discount on all products purchased.

To find out what your dog wants you to know visit

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