Want to learn how to use AI to write blog posts ethically and authentically?

Well, you’re in luck, as in this episode of The Profitable Travel Blogger Podcast, we’ll be going over how to use artificial intelligence for blog writing while still keeping your own voice.

Our guest for the episode is AI blogging expert Nina Clapperton of She Knows SEO, who will be sharing her best tips. By the end of this episode, you’ll understand:

  • How to create the best AI prompts for blog posts
  • A step-by-step strategy for using AI to write blog posts ethically
  • Tips for properly training your AI tool for blog writing
  • The best AI tools for blogging
  • Mistakes to avoid when using AI for blog writing
  • And more!

In short, if you're confused about how to grow your blog traffic and are looking for a new strategy that doesn't require a ton of time, this episode can help.


Ahrefs - Try Ahrefs Webmaster Tools for free here: https://ahrefs.com/awt 


Grab access to my free 3-Step Profitable Content Plan Workshop:


Along with showing you how to strategically plan your content for increased traffic and income, you’ll learn how to choose a niche, optimize your website & content for SEO, find keywords you can actually rank for, grow your passive affiliate earnings, and more!


Visit this link for a list of my favorite blogging tools, resources, and discounts - including tools mentioned in the episode: https://jessieonajourney.com/tools/ 


Website: https://sheknowsseo.co/ 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/NinaClapperton 

SEO For Travel Bloggers FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/seofortravelbloggers 


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jessieonajourney/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jessieonajourney/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/JessonaJourney

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jessieonajourney 

YouTube (travel): https://www.youtube.com/@jessieonajourney/featured

YouTube (blogging): https://www.youtube.com/@makemoneytravelblogging 

Travel Creator Community Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/bloggrowthposse 

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