Kiana Danial - Invest Diva and REVIEW

The opinion of Kiana Danial’s competitor, versus the reality and real reviews of Invest Diva students who have gained actual success following the Invest Diva financial education.  You may have seen or heard Kiana Danial of Invest Diva on your TV, radio, and other media like TIME, Forbes, Nasdaq, FOX Business, and CNN. 

Kiana is also an adjunct professor of wealth management at universities in New York and Tokyo.   

David Jaffee has recently put up yet another hate video to throw shade at his competitors. 

This time around, he preys at Kiana Danial, a four-time best-selling author, who was named the Personal Investment Expert of the Year 2018 & 2019 by the Investment Fund awards.   

Kiana started the Invest Diva movement, to help people, especially women, and moms, who are looking for financial security, but are scared and intimidated by it.   

- Those who want to do it, but think they need to be stuck to their screen all-day

 - Those who think they need to have thousands of dollars to start

 - Those who think they need to be some sort of a math whiz in order to invest

 -  With her Invest Diva education, Kiana Danial takes all she learned the hard way, and show you the easy way.    

⚠️David Jaffee claims Kiana Danial of Invest Diva teaches women how to day trade.  

FALSE.  Kiana Danial and Invest Diva insist on patience, looking at the big picture, and investing in the long term.   

Here’s proof: 

⚠️David Jaffee claims women and stay at home moms (SAHM) should not educate themselves on riskier financial markets such as forex and cryptocurrencies.   

FALSE.  Knowledge is power. Kiana Danial of Invest Diva specifically educates her students on assets such as stocks, ETFs, forex and cryptocurrencies in order to equip her students with the right knowledge in order to achieve financial security. Some of these are riskier than others. But, If you don’t know about what NOT to do, you are more likely to fall victim to scams… like options trading, which is what David Jaffee teaches his students, which is one of the riskiest assets you could trade.  

⚠️David Jaffee says technical analysis is a scam.  

FALSE.  Technical analysis is just studying the history of the markets... and as we all know because we humans never learn from the past, history does tend to repeat itself.  

If someone says history is a scam... well, they probably need to read some history book to realize that karma eventually catches up with you and that bullies and scammers eventually meet justice :-).. which will probably be a sad day for him and the business he's built on the sands of attacking his competitors just because he failed to create real substance.  

 Unfortunately, David Jaffee Of BestStockStrategy only relies on pushing others down in order to get ahead. I really do hope at some point he'll become experienced enough to be proud of what he's accomplished, instead of just attacking others and blaming his failures on other things, like his competitors, a whole industry, or his lack of understanding of history.

---  By becoming a student of Invest Diva, you can maximize your investment profits AND reduce your risk while also saving yourself time and avoiding mistakes.   We provide the absolute best education on personal investment and risk management so that you can optimize your success and become consistently profitable.  ---------

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