Today, I am blessed to have here with me, the leading authority on nutrition and human metabolism, Dr. Cate Shanahan.

A board-certified Family Physician with over 20 years of clinical experience, and NY Times bestselling author of The FatBurn Fix, Deep Nutrition and Food Rules, her expertise is fixing the underlying problems that cause metabolic damage and inflammation, leading to autoimmunity, weight gain, diabetes, cancer and accelerated aging processes. Her passion is helping people feel their best.

After getting her BS in biology from Rutgers University, she trained in biochemistry and genetics at Cornell University’s graduate school before attending Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. She practiced in Hawaii for ten years where she studied ethnobotany and her healthiest patient’s culinary habits.

She applied her learning and experiences in all these scientific fields to write Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food. Together with Dr. Tim DiFrancesco and NBA legend Gary Vitti, she created the PRO Nutrition program for the LA Lakers and helped forge a partnership between Whole Foods Market and numerous NBA teams.

In May of 2018 she begin  Director of Metabolic Health for ABC Fine Wine and Spirits, a progressive, family-run company interested in saving money by the betterment of health. 

She’s also the Medical & Scientific Advisor at CB Supplements, overseeing their premium-grade multi collagen protein, and for beliv, a forward-thinking Latin American beverage company. 

In this episode, Dr. Cate reveals the details behind her health journey and nutritional career. Dr. Cate discloses what it was like to work for the LA Lakers and the diet that helped Kobe Bryant recover from a terrible ankle injury. Also, Dr. Cate explains why we need to avoid The Hateful Eight Oils and how it could be the key to reducing coronavirus deaths. Plus, we talk all about omega-3s, the problem with fish oils, and everything you need to know about our metabolisms.

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// T I M E S T A M P S

[00:30] About Dr. Cate

  • While in Hawaii, Dr. Cate got a mysterious problem with her right knee. Nothing would help it. She had surgery and saw multiple specialists.
  • Eventually, Dr. Cate took her husband’s advice and cut the sugar.
  • After learning about nutrition, Dr. Cate realized that our health problems started in the 1950s.
  • Now, Dr. Cate says we should take advantage of all the living and edible parts of our landscape. 

[09:05] How Dr. Cate Gets Her Message Out To The World

  • There are so many barriers in place for education on nutrition.
  • For one, Dr. Cate would give talks about nutrition. So, she got a reputation for being a Master of Nutrition. However, people would come from all over Hawaii to ask Dr. Cate everything! There was no way to manage it.
  • Later, Dr. Cate moved to New Hampshire to get her message out. She found out the medical system was silencing her message, not where she lived.
  • Currently, Dr. Cate works for a company directly. That way, her income is not based on churning through people as fast as possible.

[12:50] Working For The LA Lakers

  • The only reason Dr. Cate worked for the LA Lakers was because of her husband. Her husband had the idea that it would be great if there were a radical overhaul on their nutritional science.
  • When players get injured, Dr. Cate will use the natural healing properties of bone broth to get them on the court as fast as possible.
  • Kobe Bryant was totally on board for the natural healing methods. After an ankle injury, he recovered in two weeks using a diet.
  • Bone broth and collagen are like a missing food group – it helps skin, hair, nails, ligaments, and the gut.
  • The most important thing that no one is talking about is The Hateful Eight Seed Oils. These oils are incompatible with athletic performance.
  • A big part of Dr. Cate’s job was making sure that the players knew what to order and what to avoid.

[19:00] About The Hateful Eight

  • Avoid these oils:
    • Corn
    • Canola
    • Cottonseed
    • Soy
    • Sunflower
    • Safflower
    • Rice
    • Grapeseed
  • They are too high in unstable fatty acids.
  • The average person is getting most of their calories from these oils.
  • Without these seed oils, we would not have the burden of chronic disease.
  • We were healthier 100 years ago, and we had no clue about vitamins, minerals, and supplements.

[24:10] The Great Exchange   

  • After a certain point, our body wants nothing to do with these unstable fatty acids.
  • Two percent of daily calories should come from omega-3 and omega-6. We actually need more omega-3 than we do omega-6.
  • The exchange of good fatty acids for bad fatty acids opens the door to chronic disease. Once we exceed the two percent amount of unstable fatty acids, then they end up in our body fat.
  • We have a lot of people who are on the skinny side but are centrally obese. Our bodies cannot traffic these unstable acids properly. That’s why it stays near the fat lining of our intestines.
  • Start eating the monounsaturated fatty acids.
  • Clear your life of the seed oils.

[28:55] We Need More Omega-3s Than Omega-6s  

  • On a healthy diet, omega-3s are more likely to get damaged during cooking.
  • For the amount that is ultimately absorbed, we need more omega-3 sources in the food that we eat.
  • You can’t supplement more omega-3 if you have been eating a standard American diet. Instead, you have to cut the omega-6. If you reduce omega-6 without increasing your intake of omega-3, then your blood levels of omega-3 will start to rise.
  • Oxidation science is very complicated, and there is a lot to consider.

[33:40] Fish Oil Is Highly Unstable

  • Oxygen will attack the bond and destroy the molecule. Fish oil has two double bonds. So the oxygen is nine billion times more likely to attack.
  • Fish oils can have five double bonds. It is so unstable that it rarely makes it off the shelf before it’s destroyed.
  • The fish oil will turn into toxic compounds.
  • People are getting toxic compounds from low-quality fish oils.

[36:30] How To Reduce Coronavirus Deaths

  • Brazil leads in the consumption of seed oils. They are also the country that leads in the number of deaths from coronavirus.
  • Countries that consume more peanut oil have a lot fewer coronavirus deaths.
  • This isn’t a crazy coincidence.
  • The connection is inflammation.
  • Coronavirus is a modest virus when you compare it to things like the bubonic plague.
  • The virus will make our own processes work against us. That way, the virus can continue to divide into our bodies. When people die from the virus, it’s the inflammation in their lungs.
  • Avoid unstable fats to stay healthy.

[41:35] Thoughts On Peanut Oil

  • Peanut oil straddles the seed oil and the nut oil worlds.
  • Nut oils are much more stable than seed oils.
  • Peanuts are really seeds. However, it’s not enough to be a problem in our body.
  • You do not have to process the peanut so harshly. You can extract it without high heat, pressure, and chemicals.
  • You can have peanut oils made with pure and raw materials.

[45:00] The Metabolism Does Not Have Speeds

  • Our metabolism doesn’t have speeds; it has efficiency and inefficiency.
  • When we are a fat burner, it can efficiently switch from burning calories in our last meal to burning fat if we have a healthy metabolism.
  • Our metabolism can burn our body fat, so we don’t get hungry hours after a meal. That is an efficient metabolism.
  • If our metabolism is inefficient, then we have a hard time burning body fat.


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Disclaimer: This podcast is for information purposes only. Statements and views expressed on this podcast are not medical advice. This podcast including Ben Azadi disclaim responsibility from any possible adverse effects from the use of information contained herein. Opinions of guests are their own, and this podcast does not accept responsibility of statements made by guests. This podcast does not make any representations or warranties about guests qualifications or credibility. Individuals on this podcast may have a direct or non-direct interest in products or services referred to herein. If you think you have a medical problem, consult a licensed physician.

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