This week, Beth interviews Cathy Yan, a director who in her short filmmaking career has made extraordinary strides. Whether it’s her indie debut Dead Pigs to helming the second female-fronted DC blockbuster, Birds of Prey, her upcoming a24-backed adaptation of Jenny Zhang’s Sour Heart or dystopian sci-fi The Freshening, Cathy’s flair for worldbuilding and palpable passion for characters make her, for us, a woman to watch.

Cathy Yan's debut feature, Dead Pigs, is available to watch on Mubi from Friday 12th February:

Who Is She? A Bechdel Test Fest Podcast is a Bechdel Test Fest production. It was written and hosted by Beth Webb and produced by Stephanie Watts, with additional support from Corrina Antrobus and Caitlin Quinlan.

Our music was written and produced by Zoe Mead, check out her band Wyldest on all major streaming platforms. Make Up clips were courtesy of Picturehouse Entertainment.

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