Accenture InfoSec Beat

Accenture InfoSec Beat


Hosted by Accenture CISO Kris Burkhardt, the InfoSec Beat podcast is intended for cybersecurity and information security executives, and dives into current trends and tactics. In each episode, Kris and Accenture colleagues from InfoSec, IT and go-to-market teams discuss what it takes to keep client, business partner and enterprise data secure.

Hosted by Accenture CISO Kris Burkhardt, the InfoSec Beat podcast is intended for cybersecurity and information security executives, and dives into current trends and tactics. In each episode, Kris and Accenture colleagues from InfoSec, IT and go-to-market teams discuss what it takes to keep client, business partner and enterprise data secure.

Podden och tillhörande omslagsbild på den här sidan tillhör Accenture. Innehållet i podden är skapat av Accenture och inte av, eller tillsammans med, Poddtoppen.