"A World of Hurt: How Medical Malpractice Fails Everyone" is a new documentary produced by Emmy-nominated physician-filmmaker Dr. Mark Brady and two medical students, Alex Homer and Viknesh Kasthuri. After a year of private screenings and film festivals, this powerful piece was recently picked up by PBS after winning multiple awards. It is now free to watch online (links below). 

In under 27 minutes, this short documentary tells three stories: a plaintiff whose sister dies after a medical error; a physician whose life is decimated by a malpractice allegation; and a couple whose baby dies in the hospital, but seeks a non-traditional route for closure. 

Dr. Pensa, who appears in the film, turns the tables and interviews the filmmakers in today's podcast. They discuss what it was like making the film during COVID, the difficulty of getting subjects to agree to filming, and how they hope this piece can be an agent for conversation and change. 

Please watch the film and share widely. It is short, but powerful.

Watch now:

PBS: https://watch.ripbs.org/video/a-world-of-hurt-how-medical-malpractice-fails-everyone-uklpuo/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09IVcL6pACU

You can find Dr. Pensa at doctorsandlitigation.com

Podden och tillhörande omslagsbild på den här sidan tillhör Gita Pensa MD. Innehållet i podden är skapat av Gita Pensa MD och inte av, eller tillsammans med, Poddtoppen.