BONUS - Patreon Preview TCHS Aftershow S3E2: Just Born Bad (Carl Panzram)****If you haven't listened to the episode yet, make sure to do that first before checking out this special bonus episode of the TCHS Aftershow for S3E2. We'll be here when you get back.This is the TCHS Aftershow for S3E2: Just Born Bad (Carl Panzram). Join your host JD and the co-host of the Aftershow Dom as we break down the episode about everyone's favorite murderous traveling rusty hobo in a more light hearted way than the usual show.If you like what you hear here on True Crime Horror Story please subscribe and give us a 5 star review. You can also think about joining our Patreon At and then Stay tuned after this show on Patreon for the True Crime Horror Story After Show w/ Dom & JD as well as early access to Ad free episodes and exclusive bonus content available only on Patreon.This episode features additional research by Rhea McCutcheon and Jessica Shannon, Music by Mechanical Ghost, The Quiet Type, Producer LB from the No One Likes Us Podcast and Shawn Grimm, and Artwork by Nuclear Heat Graphics. Sources for this episode’s case are available in the credits section of our website.Has violent crime impacted you or someone close to you? Send us your story at truecrimehorrorstory@gmail.comTrue Crime Horror Story. Sometimes Truth is more brutal than fiction.

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