David Bombal

#362: How Nmap really works // And how to catch it // Stealth scan vs TCP scan // Wireshark analysis


Chris and I go deep into what Nmap is actually sending onto the network and how you can find those dodgy packets! We then get into a real world Wireshark discussion on how to find stuff in a sea of packets.

// MENU //

0:00 ▶️ Welcome

2:15 ▶️ What is Nmap?

3:54 ▶️ TCP SYN and TCP connect scans

6:55 ▶️ Wireshark IP Filter

7:42 ▶️ Wireshark TCP Port Filter

7:57 ▶️ Stealth Scan

09:37 ▶️ Why it's called a stealth scan

11:02 ▶️ Connect() scan

11:50 ▶️ How to identify potential Nmap scans in Wireshark

15:05 ▶️ Wireshark filters to find potential stealth scans

19:08 ▶️ Nmap Port Flag

20:16 ▶️ What makes a TCP connect scan different

22:47 ▶️ What is TCP Conversation Completeness

26:16 ▶️ Wireshark filter to identify potential TCP connect scans

29:06 ▶️ Are devices good enough today to capture huge amounts of data?

31:09 ▶️ Network Traffic Monitoring Device

32:55 ▶️ How to find specific data in huge files

42:27 ▶️ Final tips for beginners in cybersecurity

43:27 ▶️ Topics for future videos

// Wireshark pcap file //


// Wireshark documentation //


// MY STUFF //


// SOCIAL //

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LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cgreer/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ChrisGreer

Twitter: https://twitter.com/packetpioneer

Pluralsight: TCP Analysis Course: https://davidbombal.wiki/tcpwireshark


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nmap stealth scan

nmap scan

nmap hacking

nmap scan types


wireshark tcp

packet analysis


cisco ccna

wireshark nmap

wireshark real world

real world wireshark

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#nmap #wireshark #hacking

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