What happens when a self-described mad scientist tinkers around with vendor-managed inventory software? He creates an automated supply chain solution tailored to the needs and budgets of small-to-medium-sized industrial distributors. 

Andrew Johnson, CEO of ShelfAware VMI, returns to chat with Jason about the practical, transformative power of the company’s RFID-based tracking system. The pair also discuss ShelfAware’s latest foray into blockchain automation of physical financial documentation, creating a more transparent and cost-efficient transaction “paper trail.”






For full show notes and services visit: https://www.distributionteam.com

Distribution Talk is produced by The Distribution Team, a consulting services firm dedicated to helping wholesale distribution clients remove barriers to profitability, generate wealth and achieve personal goals.   

This episode was edited & mixed by The Creative Impostor Studios. 

Special thanks to our sponsor for this episode: INxSQL Distribution Software, integrated distribution ERP software designed for the wholesale and distribution industry.

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