We’re wrapping up season three of our podcast, and we’re sharing what’s made it possible to reach 100 episodes.


We made it to ONE HUNDRED episodes of Paper Talk! 


Cue the celebration! 🎉


Season 3 of our podcast is drawing to a close, and in our 100th episode we chatted about how we’ve gotten this far and what’s next for Paper Talk. We’re so grateful to have spent so much time sharing, connecting, and growing with you and our paper flower community as a whole. 

 Listen to our very special celebratory episode to hear more details about where the podcast is headed, plus some special shoutouts for people who have made this all possible. 

If you want to know how we’ve gotten this far, these three special ingredients were crucial to reaching one hundred episodes.



 First of all, thank you to all of our listeners! Without you, we would just be a couple of paper florists chatting to each other each week. It takes an audience who is engaged to really build up a community around a podcast. 

 Your wonderful listeners have contributed in a variety of ways, from connecting us with guests to suggesting topics to leaving heartfelt reviews. That last one means the world to us. As Jessie shared in the episode,


“We love reading the reviews, because it reminds us of why we’re doing this. Thank you so much for leaving reviews.” 

Listen to the podcast to hear some of our favorite reviews of Paper Talk, and see if you’ve been featured. And if you haven’t left us a review, please do! 


Listen to our conversation to hear:► Who has made this podcast possible. ► How our podcast has grown over time. ► What’s next for Paper Talk and when we’ll return for Season 4. ► A hint about our huge surprise in July. (Sign up for the newsletter so you don’t miss out!)



Creating a polished podcast has real costs. We had an entire episode about the hard and soft costs of creating Paper Talk, which we highly recommend to get an idea of what podcast production really takes.

Our love of paper flowers and community can’t pay those bills, so we are incredibly grateful to our Patrons on Patreon who contribute generously to keep our podcast running. Beyond being generous enough with your time to listen to us, you’ve been generous with your money.

We know not everyone can contribute financially, but as a thanks to those who can, you can access special behind the scenes content by becoming a Patron. 



Finally, we have to thank our guests. While the occasional episode of Jessie and Quynh chatting together is great fun, we know that our knowledge has limits. Without our wide variety of guests, we wouldn’t have been able to cover the amazing breadth of topics that our three seasons have traversed. 

 We’ve been dedicated from the very beginning to bring our community the sort of valuable content that will help them grow as artists and small business owners. Our guests both in and out of our community have done just that. They’ve shared with us about branding, the tools of our trade, pricing, finding your creative muse, bookkeeping, and every topic in between.

We’re already lining up guests for Season 4, and we can’t wait to share what they have to say about our special focus: passive income. Listen to the episode to hear more about that and how you can contribute to Paper Talk.


Join our weekly meeting on Clubhouse on Thursdays at 7pm PST/10pm EST, and join our Facebook group where you can share, connect, and grow with us. Please also consider supporting us on Patreon for even more great content like this.

Podden och tillhörande omslagsbild på den här sidan tillhör Sara Kim of Handmade by Sara Kim, Quynh Nguyen of Pink and Posey and Jessie Chui of Crafted to Bloom. Innehållet i podden är skapat av Sara Kim of Handmade by Sara Kim, Quynh Nguyen of Pink and Posey and Jessie Chui of Crafted to Bloom och inte av, eller tillsammans med, Poddtoppen.