Editor Abigail Perry talks to Rebecca about one of the stories from season 1 (the story she wrote using the prompt "death in a small town"). Abby has great advice on how to expand and explore the story, but more importantly, she and Rebecca talk about how to build confidence as a writer and how to stop expecting your first drafts to be perfect so you can just keep writing. Abby offers advice on taking the pressure off yourself as well as how to explore the story you truly want to tell.

Abigail K. Perry is a Certified Story Grid Editor with professional teaching, literary agency, and film production experience. In addition to writing masterwork guides that help people learn how to write, read, and edit like a writer, she works as a freelance developmental editor/book coach and diagnostic editor, and is a monthly columnist for DIY MFA. Abigail also teaches Genre-Focused writing workshops for the genres she specializes in, which include Women’s Fiction, YA Fantasy, Upmarket Fiction, Historical Fiction, and Scripts. As a podcaster, she’s a passionate advocate for the butterfly effect stories have on the individual and world, which she shares with listeners on her podcast, STORY EFFECT.

Reach out to Abigail if you’re a writer looking for an editor who will help you grow as storyteller, and who has experience in differentiated instruction, traditional publishing, and film. Find out more at abigailkperry.com.

Things Abigail and I mention in the episode:

Some of these links (marked with an *) are affiliate links, which means I earn a small commission if you click on and make a purchase from them. Your price doesn't change either way.


Story Effect (Abby's podcast)

Story Grid Scene Analysis template (value shift, polarity shift)

SG 5 Commandments

Yellow Wallpaper

Writer's Digest Conference

Johnathon Mayberry (a thriller writer)

Writing excuses

PS I Love You*

James Scott Bell: Plot & Structure*, Write Your Novel From the Middle*

Podden och tillhörande omslagsbild på den här sidan tillhör Rebecca Monterusso. Innehållet i podden är skapat av Rebecca Monterusso och inte av, eller tillsammans med, Poddtoppen.